Wraps up in 5 Minutes
Wraps up in 5 Minutes
Published On August 18, 2023
In recent years, Air India, the flag carrier airline of India, embarked on a journey of transformation that included a significant rebranding effort. This strategic decision was not made lightly, as it aimed to address various challenges and position the airline for a more competitive and modern future. This transformation wasn’t just about colors, logos, or taglines; it was narrative of resurgence, a narrative that encapsulated the airline’s aspiration to soar higher, strive further, and capture the spirit of modernity without forsaking its cultural roots.
Was it really rebranding?
Let’s understand De-branding;
At first, De-branding sounds like companies stripping off their brand and - what? Not having brand?
Well, De-branding refers to the strategic process in which a company or organization intentionally reduces, removes, or alters its branding elements, such as logos, slogans, and visual identity, in order to distance itself from a particular image, reputation, or perception associated with its existing brand.
De-branding can be undertaken for various reasons like; negative associations, repositioning, merger and acquisitions, cultural sensitivity, or simplification etc. It is a careful process that requires a delicate balance between shedding existing associations while preserving positive attributes that the company wants to retain.
Recently, not just Air India, but also some of the world's largest brands have embraced a path of simplification and de-branding, shedding intricacies and complexities.
It has come to the knowledge that many big, global names from various industries have been de-branding themselves. To name a few, there are Burger King, Warner Brothers, Calvin Klein, Burberry, Balmain, McDonalds, Google etc.
From this, a question surely arise;
Logo de-branding doesn’t happen overnight and it’s not without a reason. Here are some of the main factors that push companies to de-brand their logo.
Mobile first design refers to a design approach where a website, application, or brand’s online presence is primarily created and optimized for mobile devices before being adapted for larger screens, such a s desktops/laptops. It is one of the main reasons for companies to de-brand their logos.
By de-branding, the company is not completely erasing its brand identity, instead its adapting its branding elements to better suit the mobile first design approach.
The company’s new branding is mobile-friendly, ensuring that users accessing its websites or services via mobile devices have a seamless and enjoyable experience.
Companies often face the challenge of condensing their comprehensive brand identity, including logos,, visuals =, and messaging, into a limited digital space, especially on mobile devices.
This challenge stemming from the need for a cohesive and user friendly mobile experience, can prompt companies to undertake de-branding efforts, simplifying their branding elements for better mobile adaptation.
The pressure arising from the limitations of pixels on digital screens, particularly in the mobile context, can drive companies to consider de-branding. This pressure stems from the challenge of preserving the visual integrity and clarity of intricate the branding elements like logos and visuals, within the constrained pixel dimensions.
By simplifying their branding, companies can ensure that their identity remains recognizable and impactful despite the pixel limitations, enhancing their overall digital presence and user experience.
But, that’s not all;
Air India is encountering similar issues with its old logo. The old logo doesn’t display well on mobile app icons and social media banners.
The new logo is named “The Vista”
The airline stated that, “it captures the essence of bold new India, marking a milestone in its Vihaan.AI Transformation.”
“Vista” is inspired by the golden window frame and the arrow signifies “Limitless possibilities, progressiveness, and the airline’s bold new outlook”.
The updated aircraft design showcases a color scheme of deep red, aubergine, and highlighted with gold, featuring a pattern inspired by the chakra.
Inspired by the winds aboard all India flights that have been a part of airline’s journey from day one.
A unique custom font called 'Air India Sans' was crafted to exude warmth and confidence, positioning Air India as a premium, all-inclusive, and approachable airline.
This bespoke typeface stands as a testament to the airline’s commitment to a seamless passenger experience, combining visual elegance with a welcoming embrace.
As we’ve journeyed through the motivations and implications of re-branding it’s clear that this process is more than just a superficial makeover, it’s a deliberate step toward relevance, resonance, and revitalization.
Through this narrative, brands emerge stronger, reinvigorated, and more connected with their audience.